Let’s work together to find a solution

While the chances of damage occurring in any Soapy Sam's location are rare, it could sometimes happen. We have a damage claim form you can fill out to report damage to your vehicle. We also want to give you a friendly reminder to do the following lower power antennas, remove any other antennas, remove magnetic signs, remove balls or flags or any other decoration from the antenna, remove the trailer hitch, and your truck bed MUST be empty and clean prior to entering the car wash. This list is not all-inclusive.

Damage Claim Form

Prior to filling out the form, please read the following disclaimer:

We are responsible, except for the following: Antennas, Wiper Blades, Bug Shields, Previous Damage, Non-Factory Parts or Modifications, Chrome or Modling, Damage Due to Driver Error, and Pontiac Mirrors.

If you have questions, please give us a call at 574-314-6677.